Command line reference

Extensible and configurable project initialisation.

usage: mold [configuration] [--help] [--version]
       mold <command> [arg]

[configuration]     Initialise a new project.
add [configuration] Add files to an existing project. All files
                    that a tool would write must be missing for
                    them to be added to the project.

config list         List all saved configurations.
config new [name]   Create a new configuration.
config show [name]  Show a configuration.
config del [name]   Delete a configuration.

prefill             Prefill dialog based on a configuration.
prefill show        Show prefilled dialog values.
prefill clear       Clear prefilled dialog values.

--help, -h          Display this help message and quit.
--version, -v       Display Mold version and quit.

Missing optional parameters are determined with a dialog.